Tiffany Shlain Talks About Her Latest Film, Connected

2012-04-04 15

Tiffany Shlain (@TiffanyShlain) has been making films for over 16 years. In Connected, her latest film, she covers important topics including life, death, and technology.

Being connected in the 21st century usually means having to manage a constant stream of text messages, social network updates, and blog posts. It seems that virtually everyone has started putting their lives on the web for the world to see, and we find ourselves spending more and more of our time connected to the Web, doing everything we can to keep in constant contact with the people we know and love.

Connected is an "autoblogography" about how this constant connection is changing the way we as a society are evolving.

Tiffany Shlain is a filmmaker, artist, founder of The Webby Awards, co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences and a Henry Crown Fellow of The Aspen Institute.

You can find out more about Connected here: