IDF says Israel attack would bring 300 casualties

2012-04-04 17

IDF officials have told cabinet ministers that should Israel undergo a
coordinated missile attack, there would be less than 300 Israeli
casualties. The number was mentioned by IDF officials during a
discussion with Israel's security-diplomatic cabinet, and is far lower
than the number mentioned previously by Defense Minister Ehud Barak,
who reportedly said 500 Israelis would die in such an attack. A senior
official in the IAF added that in the event of a coordinated missile
attack on Israel's home front, missiles and rockets would be fired at
Israel by the Syrian army, Hezbollah in Lebanon, terror organizations
in Gaza, and most probably by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The
IAF believes that for three weeks, thousands of missiles and rockets
would land in Israel, and the number of people dead would reach 300,
as well as hundreds of people wounded and severe damage to property
and infrastructure.