New York City's Oldest Cabbie is a 92-Year-Old

2012-04-04 1

New York City's Oldest Cabbie is a 92-Year-Old - as part of the news and politics series by GeoBeats.

Most of us would consider ourselves lucky to just make it into the 90s.

At the age of 92, a cab driver in New York is challenging all the age stereotypes by still actively driving a cab.

New York City is probably one of the most difficult cities in the world when it comes to driving, so this is an especially impressive feat.

In 1937, Johnnie "Spider" Footman moved to New York City from the south to escape racism and has had his cab license since 1945.

Commenting on what he's seen in years past, he told the New York Post, “They had sex in the back in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s,”
“The cabs were a lot bigger then.”

Footman is a legend in the local taxi community

Such stories keep redefining the age barriers.

In 2011, a 100- year-old man completed a marathon in Toronto.

A 90-year-old woman recently went skydiving as reported by the Florida Times-Union.

Are 90s becoming the new 60s? If not yet, perhaps in the near future.

As for Footman, he has no plans to retire. And his boss seems to be more comfortable with Footman than with many other drivers.