Open Sourcing Free Energy Technology

2012-04-02 1 - Sterling D. Allan, CEO of Pure Energy Systems Network, and founder of the New Energy Congress, gives the captone presentation on Aug. 11, 2007 at the Gnomedex conference in Seattle. He speaks about the process of screening for the best clean energy technologies, and suggests the open source approach for breaking the logjam on some of the more revolutionary technologies. He defines "free energy" as referring to energy modalities that harness energy that does not have to be paid for, including conventional methods such as solar, wind, geothermal, and tide; as well as the exotic approaches, including cold fusion, zero point energy, and magnet motors. He expects that some of these more exotic forms could bring the price of energy down several-fold, while also being clean and renewable. He recommends the open source method for quickly disseminating the technology once it is mature enough.