Do It Yourself Labor Birth Kit to Induce Birth Naturally at Home.

2012-03-29 1

Unfortunately, when it comes to labour and birthing, things often just do not go according to laid plans, and medical assistance is required to induce birth. So, induction labor is required when the pregnant woman goes more than one week post-term. Induction labour is becoming much more common in Western countries due to the prevailing medical belief system. Induction labour is fraught with many medical problems including anaesthetic epidurals, forceps deliveries and caesarean births. Fortunately, there are numerous natural procedures to induce birth, ranging from having sex – (due to the prostaglandins in the semen), drinking castor oil to eating pineapple. Overdue labor birth can be easily prevented using time-tested Traditional Chinese Medicine. Time-tested moxabustion is used to induce birth naturally and safely. A Do-It-Yourself (DIY) labor birth kit is now available from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic. Labour induction has never been easier.