PART 3 Krendal Phillips 2X: The Penultima

2012-03-27 68

Credits left out as this was made for youtube. But daily Motion allow hour long videos! too bad. could have been done all in one video. Youtube is shit come to think of it. The credits featured the song "he ain't heavy, he's my brother", the version used for Rambo 3's credits. These were then dubbed over the credits for the 1976 film Raise The Titanic. The result was hilarious, as its a cheesy 80's song to a ship being pulled out of the sea. Anyway, thanks to James Stansfield, Ollie Froomes, Jack 'Lick-My-Crack' Hannaford, and of course Domenico Iaciofano. And thank you to all our fans who made us feel we had to make another Krendal installment. They've been going 6 years now. Krendal will be returning to your screens next summer in Krendal Phillips 3X: The Final Gunishment.