Stevia Dangers - Facts To Consider Part 2

2012-03-27 1

The Stevia Dangers that you might here about are due to studies that have been done, for more on Stevia go here; However, the part you don't hear about is that these studies weren't all done fairly.

If you stop to think about all of the foods that are considered bad for our health, why aren't they are labeled as "dangerous"? The Stevia Dangers that you might here about are due to studies that have been done. However, the part you don't hear about is that these studies weren't all done fairly. Of course, if something that seems too good to be true just might be; unfortunately this is not the case with Stevia.

For anyone who wants to switch to a sugar alternative, diabetic or not, Stevia is surley a great alternative as you will find here;, but to be on the safe side, you should consult your doctor if you do have any concerns with possible Stevia Dangers.