CGRundertow TALES FROM SPACE: MUTANT BLOBS ATTACK for PlayStation Vita Video Game Review

2012-03-27 59

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack for Playstation Vita. A launch title for the Playstation Vita, Mutant Blobs Attack is one of the best games on the system so far. Sequel to About A Blob, the game is a 2D sidescroller with heavy emphasis on puzzles. You move through the world and solve physics based puzzles, or fly through the world. You manipulate the world or use magnetic to move. With touch controls that now hold back the experience, the game is a unique and great game for the Vita. This video review features video gameplay footage of Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack for Playstation Vita and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Ryan.

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