Classic Game Room - BLACK OPS REZURRECTION review

2012-03-27 81

Call of Duty Black Ops: REZURRECTION review. Classic Game Room reviews the REZURRECTION dlc pack for Call of Duty Black Ops. The COD Black Ops Resurrection download pack delivers the new zombie level called MOON where you slay zombies on the moon and dodge a screwy astronaut who tries to headbutt you. Along with Moon for Call of Duty Black Ops you get four zombie level maps from Call of Duty World At War. Grab some friends and shoot zombies on five maps with the Rezurrection DLC pack for Black Ops. Resurrection from Black Ops also contains a zombie level soundtrack and theme. CGR video review of Call of Duty Black Ops has Call of Duty Black Ops gameplay on PS3 Playstation 3 showing Moon zombie level game play as well as co-op gameplay on COD World at War zombie levels.