Classic Game Room - YAKUZA DEAD SOULS review for PS3

2012-03-24 4

Yakuza Dead Souls review. Classic Game Room reviews YAKUZA DEAD SOULS for PlayStation 3 from Sega, wild zombie survival game combined with numerous odd minigames, ping pong and Karaoke! CGR Yakuza Dead Souls video review has gameplay from Yakuza Dead Souls on PS3 showing zombie slaughtering action and massage parlor weirdness in HD glory. Mow down zombies and level your Yakuza bad guy good guys up with new movies and earn money to upgrade the minigun and shotgun into a serious arsenal of doom. Yakuza Dead Sould is like Dead Rising meets GTA meets Sega's quirky arcade style seen in games like Chu Chu Rocket and even Shenmue. Yakuza Dead Souls packs hours of gameplay into this massive adventure filled with side quests and hostess dating (yeah, meet a virtual girlfriend and eat some virtual fried chicken!). Fun characters, solid gameplay, good humor and a cool storyline make Yakuza Dead Souls another hit from Sega in 2012. This game belongs on your shelf in between Binary Domain and Vanquish.