Having returned from Cuba, President Hugo Chávez again abused public media and the National Blanket Broadcast of Radio and TV to promote his campaign and attack his presidential opponent Henrique Capriles.
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(17 Mar 2012, Video #108, 2min) For the fourth time in 2012, Chávez utilized the National Broadcast for political propaganda. He has also used official State TV and radio channels on multiple occasions to broadcast events held by his political party, the Venezuelan Socialist Party (PSUV) and his campaign team.
Video link: http://youtu.be/vxOwMMlaYZM
More videos w/ English subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4AD632E632F30574
Complete broadcast (in Spanish): http://youtu.be/DD5lAQKRdtA
17 March 2012 | 1:30pm
Venezolana de Televisión - VTV
(Venezuelan State Television)
Cadena Nacional de Radio y TV
(National Blanket Broadcast of Radio and TV)
Total broadcast time: 74 minutos