Chinese Taxi Drivers Hold Strike in Guangdong Province

2012-03-22 43

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Since Monday, taxi drivers in Shantou city have held a strike. They say high costs and low fares are making it hard for them to earn a living. They're asking local authorities for help.

On Monday, taxies in China's Guangdong Province lined up outside Shantou City hall to strike. Drivers congregated outside the building until late in the evening. Police were then sent to guard the area and they sealed off nearby streets. Taxis on strike were also seen in other parts of the city.

[Mr. Yang, Shantou Taxi Driver]:
"Right now, it seems all the Taxi's are parked, it is best it you go to the Xingda Taxi Company to have a look, right now there are many taxis parked outside the entrance to Xingda Taxi Company."

The drivers are striking to protest high commissions by taxi companies, rising fuel prices and minimum fares set too low.

Drivers in Shantou have held strikes several times. Although local government officials told them the situation would be rectified, drivers say they have yet to see any results.

[Mr. Shi, Shantou Taxi Driver]:
"The city government says it will reply to us, saying it will conduct a hearing, or it will raise fares. This has been dragging on for half a year. Now we say, we will wait for you to fix it, my five years as a taxi driver are up, worthless."

Shantou city has 18 taxi companies. Each month drivers have to pay their employers an average of about 470 US dollars, yet minimum fares start at just 79 cents. Taxis also have to compete with motorcycles, limousines and tri-cycles.

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