CGRundertow CAPTAIN SKYHAWK for NES Video Game Review

2012-04-02 36

Captain Skyhawk Review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow video game review of Captain Skyhawk, a flight simulator/action game developed by Rare (yes, THAT Rare) and published in 1990 by Milton Bradley for the NES. Back when Banjo-Kazooie would just be 2/5ths of a bluegrass combo, back when Donkey Kong was just some ape on a scaffold, Rare spent their time pushing out... well, that horrible Who Framed Roger Rabbit game, and also this! Captain Skyhawk is an awesome little shooter, with plenty of variation with the inclusion of free-flying modes and the occasional spinning dock into a space station. I think that's just gonna make me dizzy, though. This CGRundertow video game review features video gameplay footage of Captain Skyhawk for the NES and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.

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