Visit for free Tennis Elbow articles and videos - And a complete self-help video program (premium) to help you heal and finally break your vicious cycle of Elbow Tendonitis pain.
So, what’s the best treatment or remedy for Tennis Elbow?
Inflammation pills? Icing? Braces and bands? Lotions, potions, and gimmick devices… Cortisone shots!?
There are stages of healing that every injury HAS to go through, but do these “treatments” actually HELP this healing process – Or do they only cover up your pain and other symptoms?
You may already know the answer, since most Tennis Elbow sufferers find out the hard way that Tennis Elbow is often stubbornly resistant to almost everything: Conventional treatments, remedies and so-called cures alike.
In other words – They don’t work! – Why is that?