CGRundertow LITTLE ACORNS for iPhone Video Game Review

2012-03-20 1

Little Acorns review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Little Acorns from Chillingo for the iPhone. Little Acorns is about as old school as it gets. You platform, you collect stuff, you find the exit. The game's slick graphics and fantastic controls are modern counterpoints to the dusty blueprint the game is otherwise built from. You play as a squirrel. With winter approaching, you have to collect as much food for your family as you can. That entails navigating very clever levels packed with enemies, obstacles and of course, platforms. Little Acorns feels very retro. It takes you back to platformers like Ice Climber and Kid Icarus, even earlier games like Pitfall. The gameplay is incredibly smooth. This video review features video gameplay footage of Little Acorns for the iPhone and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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