Credit Repair , (Get Credit Healthy featured on NBC news)

2012-03-18 8

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"I am a business owner, and there are ups and downs, and I had some downs, " said Collazo.

A bankruptcy in a poor economy pushed her credit score down, making it tough to get a loan. Collazo made a comeback, though, and she just got a car loan to get a new BMW.

She says if she can fix her credit, so can you.

Rebuild Your Credit
Rebuild Your Credit

Rebuild Your Credit

Thousands are now seeing credit scores fall due to the forclosures, shortsales, and job losses.

Collazo turned to credit repair expert Elizabeth Karwowski, and saw her credit score rise 100 points in few months.

Karwowski suggests to first go for a consultation with a reputable credit repair firm that should be free. Karwowski's company is Get Credit Healthy, and they normally charge about $600 over several months to get your credit back on track. The next step, she says, is to develop a credit improvement plan.