Bo Xilai Comments on Scandal, Chinese State-run Media Silent

2012-03-15 204

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Chongqing Communist Party Secretary Bo Xilai recently spoke out publicly about the scandal that is threatening his future with the Chinese regime. However, state-run media have not reported on Bo's comments, leading some to speculate why.

Chinese Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing, Bo Xilai, spoke publicly about the Wang Lijun attempted defection incident for the first time at a press conference on March 9. But Chinese state-run media have been silent regarding Bo's comments.

During the press conference, Bo Xilai said that Wang Lijun had run off "very unexpectedly". Bo also said that he had made a mistake in promoting Wang for his "anti-crime" campaign.

Former chief editor of Baixing magazine, Huang Liangtian, says Chinese state-run media's silence indicates the Chinese regime's hesitation in deciding how to deal with Bo and the Wang Lijun incident. Huang says the Chinese regime's biggest concern is to secure the upcoming power transition.

[Huang Liangtian, Former Chief Editor of Baixing Magazine]:
"The [Chinese Communist Party] Central Committee now touts the importance of stability as overriding every other consideration. What does 'every other consideration' refer to? It covers the Constitution and Party discipline. So all they've done is to assure and secure a very smooth power transition. Don't expect them to turn China into a country under the rule of law."

According to, there are many factors that could complicate the Chinese regime's strategy in handling the Bo Xilai scandal, including Bo's vast and notorious corruption and his ambition to secure the regime's top leadership position. Apple Daily Newspaper said other Communist Party members could use the incident as an excuse to investigate Bo.

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