Occult Freemasonry COVERED UP by LBC Radios James O'Brien: March 9th 2012 (video image proof !)
Presstitute LBC reporter James O'Brien is told occult freemasonry - the future basis for the uniting of world religions into a single OCCULT ONE under the allseeing eye of an occult society - is harmless roleplay.
Freemasonry the secret worship of Baal- still hides its influential "1%" top tier membership, and continues to misdirect any real investigative scrutiny. Reviving the old addage that invariably, in the land of the BLIND the "one eyed man" is king - In this case the secret occult initiate.
UK's "on the square" LBC Radio (FM 97.3) is itself linked to Westminister politics; itself steeped Masonic based ritual seen yearly at the opening of its parliament.
The Light Behind Freemasonry illuminati - Must Watch!