TIMEart Project 29th Feb 2008 in GERMANY

2012-03-13 16

GLOBALIZATION-CONNECTIONS-TIME" is an intercontinental cultural art project that was initiated by the participating artist Yasemin Yilmaz in 2008. The project evolved from her personal ongoing art project "Time Images". On February 29th 2008, 12 artists from 6 continents worked on an "OneDayWork". The complete work symbolizes one day, produced in an extremly fast-moving global time. www.time-images.org

KUNSTHALLE Hannover February 29th - March 18th 2012 GERMANY

Finissage: 2008 "localGLOBAL"
Doc Ross(NZ), Sarah Robson(AU), Rathin Kanji(IN), Talal Moualla(AE), Stefan Balog(RO), Yasemin Yilmaz(DE), Cecile Heystek(NA), Mountassir Chemao(MA), Perla Bajder(AR), Raquel Schwartz(BO), Paul Campbell(US), Patricia Goodrich(US)

Introduction: 2012 "Snowball"
James Speers(NZ), Cherine Fahd(AU), Vincent J,F. Huang(TW), Hassan Meer(OM), Cecilia Ferreira(MZ), Lionel Smit(ZA), Topp&Dubio(NL), Octavi R. Olazaguirre(ES), Alejandra G. Soca(UY), Marco Simola(PE), Patrick Cauvin(HT), Indra Arriaga (US)