Audible Reviews - Download FREE Audio Books Legally

2012-03-12 12

If you like to listen to audiobooks or podcasts while walking, exercising or driving then is for you. At the end of this video I'll provide you with a link which will allow you to get a free audiobook from Audible.

You can download individual audiobooks from without a membership. Choose from over 25,000 titles and download them immediately to your computer. Then you can put them onto your iPod or MP3 player or burn them to CD. Often the prices are significantly less than what you would pay to buy the CD or cassette version, and comparable to renting from some other services. You avoid the mailing hassle, plus you will always have the downloaded book to listen to again or to burn to CD.

Join as an Listener and you can download any book for only the monthly membership fee. As a Basic Listener, you get 1 book per month, plus one audio magazine, newspaper or radio program.