Custom Orthotics - Chiropodist in Sarnia, London and Chatham, ON

2012-03-09 5

Custom Orthotics - Chiropodist in Sarnia, London and Chatham, ON

Chiropodist Jamie Maczko of Mazcko Chiropody and Orthotic Centre discusses how custom orthotics can help correct biomechanical problems of the foot to alleviate heel pain and other foot problems.

Chiropody and Orthotics
Written on December 28th, 2010
Feet are an amazing complex structure containing one quarter of the body’s bones, held together with ligaments, muscles, tendons and fascia. Each day they carry you smoothly and efficiently through thousands of steps.
Sometimes biomechanical problems develop interrupting smooth, pain free gait (walking). Careful examination of your feet and gait, by a Chiropodist, is an essential step in correctly addressing your foot problems. Biomechanical problems can be simply due to body structure or related to a medical condition. In order to address a biomechanical problem, your chiropodist may prescribe custom orthotics.
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