Militants show off stolen weapons

2012-03-09 106



Video obtained from al-Qaeda-linked militants shows the Ansar al-Sharia group in Yemen parading weapons and ammunition obtained after an attack on the town of Zinjibar on Sunday (March 4).

The assault killed 110 people and led to the capture of at least 50 government soldiers.

Jalal Baledi, also known as Abu al-Hamzah -- one of the leaders of the Ansar al-Sharia, which translates as "Partisans of Islamic Law" -- appeared to boast of a raid after suicide bomb attacks on two military posts outside the southern city of Zinjibar.

He said that they have taken control of the site, and have with them six katyusha launchers, six cannons and four tanks. He also added that they have more than 50 captives.

Baledi was speaking to a handful of followers, chanting "God is the great," from a stolen army truck.

The handout material also apparently shows the group driving around in other stolen vehicles from the raid.

Residents said after the raid, militants extolled their "victory" by megaphone in the streets of their stronghold of Jaar, 15 km (10 miles) north of Abyan's provincial capital of Zinjibar.

Yemen's new president vowed on Monday (March 5) to pursue militants linked to al-Qaeda to their last hiding place after the raid, in which at least 20 militants also died in the fighting.

The violence highlights the challenges Hadi faces as he tries to stabilise Yemen after a year of political upheaval that eventually unseated his predecessor, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

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