A Day With Mary #21: Fr. Angelo Geiger - Jesus and Mary Suffered for You

2012-03-08 22

Ave Maria!
During the pontificate of John Paul II a collection of votive masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary were put together and made available especially for use on Saturdays and special occasions . Votive masses are not normally permitted during privileged seasons - The Mass setting we are using is Mary at the foot of Cross. To see the pascal mysteries clearly and to benefit we are best guided by seeing this vision thru the eyes of our Blessed Mother. Blessed John Paul II says that the Rosary is� seen through the eyes of Mary. The Stations of the Cross is a Marian devotion, traceable back to the middle ages. The Via Dolorosa was going to the places in Jerusalem and recalling the various events in Our� Lord's life.� Eventually they came down to the 14 Stations we have today. After our Lords Ascension, the Blessed Virgin Mary visited the places of Our Lords passion. The apostles weren't prepared for Good Friday even after our Lord tried to explain it, but they didn't g