Prince Harry takes aim in Jamaica

2012-03-07 111


STORY: Prince Harry chose not to participate in a military exercise at a training camp in Jamaica on Wednesday (March 7) out of respect for six British soldiers reported killed in Afghanistan.

The young royal was supposed to rappel down a new training wall at a Jamaican Defense Force (JDF) facility. But he skipped that exercise, and looked on, after Royal press officials said he deemed it inappropriate.

In one of the deadliest attacks on British forces in Afghanistan, six British soldiers were killed Tuesday evening (March 6) when an explosion hit their armored vehicle in the southwestern region.

However, Prince Harry did take part in some live target practice.

Dressed in camouflage, a helmet, and a flak jacket, Harry fired several rounds with a rifle at an outdoor range.

Local soldiers later held up the paper silhouette targets showing the prince's good aim, pointing out how he did not shoot the dog in the picture.

The 27-year-old prince, who recently qualified as an Apache attack helicopter pilot, then got into a helicopter that he was going to pilot to the island's north coast.

Harry is touring Caribbean countries to mark the Queen's diamond jubilee year.

Jamaica, which is a member of the Commonwealth and retains the monarch Elizabeth as head of state, has been independent from Britain since 1962.