Part of the Kitchen, Château de Maisons (France)

2012-03-06 48

copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)

The Château de Maisons is in Maisons-Lafitte, to the West of Paris, France. Telephone 01 39 62 01 49. It is considered the masterpiece of Mansart and has a fascinating history. From October through March, inclusive, entry is free the first Sunday of each month. Public transportation from Paris is available, or I can be your private guide.

The outbuildings and gardens are no longer there, but the château itself is one of the prettiest in France. Maisons-Lafitte is a prominent "horse city" of France and there is a famous racetrack here. A morning visit to the château then a day spent at the races might please you. La Défense can be seen in the distance, it is that close to Paris.

I do two channels on YouTube: CUTECATFAITH and SLOBOMOTION. I have other clips up of this splendid place to visit over there. Join me! Thank you for watching.