IPL Laser Hair Removal - Fine Lines MedSpa

2012-03-03 283

Fine Lines MedSpa IPL Laser Hair Removal - http://www.flmedspa.com/laser-hair-removal/

Shaving, waxing, tweezing and hair removal creams have been replaced by hair removal in a flash. The Permanent Beauty system uses short, safe bursts of light emitted from a flash-lamp to remove unwanted hair from all body sites in minutes.

IPL means intense pulsed light. This is a hair removal process. IPL is a technology aimed at producing light of high intensity during a very short period of time. This technology utilizes a Florescent Pulsed Light System. IPL is cheaper and faster than laser hair removal. It can also be used as a skin treatment known as photorejuvenation. IPL Hair Removal results are pretty much equivalent to laser hair removal.