Man Sentenced to Forced Labor for Spreading SARS Rumor

2012-02-29 51

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Authorities in Baoding City, in China's northern Hebei Province arrested and sentenced a man to two years of forced labor for spreading what they are calling an online rumor about a local SARS outbreak.

The man, surnamed Liu, works as an administrator for a website. Authorities have accused him of spreading the rumor to increase traffic to his site. But Hong Kong's Apple Daily reports that some 300 military personnel were treated at Baoding City's No. 252 military hospital, and a portion of the hospital has been sealed off and guarded by soldiers wearing surgical masks—all of which suggests an attempted quarantine.

The Ministry of Health has denied that the incident is SARS-related and has said some in the hospital were being treated for a form of the common cold. Public skepticism has followed the statement. The Chinese regime attempted to cover-up a SARS epidemic in 2003, which spread internationally and infected more than 8,000 people.