Relentless bombardment in Homs, Syria

2012-02-22 18

Amateur video out of Syria continues to show the bombardment of Homs.

The video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters, comes amid reports that Syrian forces are launching rockets and bombs down on opposition held neighborhoods in Homs.

Activists say more than 80 people have been killed in the attacks including two Western journalists.

The barrages marks an intensification of a nearly three-week offensive to crush resistance in Homs, one of the focal points of a nationwide uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's 11-year rule.

Residents fear Assad will subject the city to the same treatment his late inflicted on the rebellious town of Hama 30 years ago, when 10,000 were killed.

More footage shows a funeral service in Idlib.

Analysts say Assad sees himself in a fight for his life. Although some say the support around him is crumbling and the military is tiring, others say he could hang on for many months.

There are also fears the revolt could flare into a religion-based civil war and spread across the volatile Middle East -- considerations that make arming the rebels a tricky proposition.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.