5 Easy Steps to Internet Marketing - Website Content

2012-02-21 3

The reason why a user visits your website is because they are after information. Whether they are seeking the opinion of a professional, a product, service or review, people are looking for information and answers to questions. Just keep answering the question “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM), as this is the only question that matters to the customer.

Text content equals importance on the Internet. You should only have quality, informative content that is easy to understand so visitors can share your message. The most important rule a website must adhere to, is to create an abundance of focused, original content. This will interest your visitors, prompt conversion, encourage word of mouth and attract links from reputable sites.

A website that lacks quality content is a failure to both search engines and visitors. Just as you should insert particular content into your website, you should also remove any text that does not assist you will the sales process.