TilaTequila,Michael Lohan& Kate Major... GOODNESS The Plot THICKENS @ MrChow

2012-02-17 5

Lady Skanked up in red, for her Birthday. Tila made her grand entrance with her enormous fake ta tas spilling out, fashionably late to her own Birthday Party. Just outside of Mr. Chows restaurant there were signs mysteriously left behind calling her a killer, Liar, 25 2 Life,Padded Room, and our personal fav Tila TeKiller!!! Does someone know something we don't???? When asked by the papz if she had someone kidnapped, threaten to kill someone, or made any terrorist threats, her face froze for a moment appearing stricken with fear, followed by a nervous giggle.

The plot thickens when Tila walked outside accompanied by the one and only Michael Lohan and his boozed out girly Kate Major. (PS nice example to set for Lindsay) . When Tequila is confronted with the accusations of kidnapping, Kate Major chimes in "WHAT KIDNAPPING? The only kidnapping here is me kidnapping her?(Tila)" Simultaneously Tila smirked and said," I don't know what's going on with that." The Pap then told her he heard someone say it and wondered if she knew who that person was, in which she responded "no but this is for that person" and flipped the bird to the camera 3 times.

Well, Happy Birthday Tila, hopefully there are no skeletons in that kooky closet of yours, aside maybe the ones you plan on decorating the house with for Halloween!!!