Putin warns against interference in Russia

2012-02-08 72

During a meeting with religious leaders in Moscow Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is warning against outside interference into Russian affairs.


"I perfectly understand what kind of a regime Libya had. And people talked a lot about it. But for some reason nobody is talking today, and nobody is showing what is happening in the town of Sirt and in other towns that were supporting the former head of Libya, Gaddafi. But there are horrible crimes still being committed there. And nobody is talking about that. They forgot about it for some reason. Because these are the horrible consequences of foreign intervention."

He also defended Russia's decision to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution on Syria.


"Over the past decade across the world the cult of violence has come to the forefront in international affairs. This is worrying. I'm very pleased you pay attention to this yourselves. In any case, we must prevent anything like this happening in our country," the Russian Prime Minister said.

Putin, who is running in a presidential election next month, has often criticized the United States and its NATO allies over its use of military force.

He has also accused his political foes, who have since December staged the biggest opposition protests of his 12-year rule, of receiving financial and other support from the United States and Europe.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters