WWF Invasion 2001 - Part 11

2012-02-07 112

All WWF logos intact, match card is seen below.

1st Match: Edge & Christian V.S Lance Storm & Mike Awesome
2nd Match: Earl Hebner V.S Nick Patrick (Referee Match)
3rd Match: The APA V.S Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
4th Match: Billy Kidman V.S X-Pac
5th Match: Raven V.S William Regal
6th Match: Chris Kanyon, Shawn Stasiak & Hugh Morrus V.S Billy Gunn, The Big Show & Albert
7th Match: Tajiri V.S Tazz
8th Match: Jeff Hardy(c) V.S Rob Van Dam (Hardcore Match)
9th Match: Trish Stratus & Lita V.S Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler (Bra & Panties Match)
10th Match: Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Rhyno & the Dudley Boyz V.S Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho & the Brothers of Destruction