Rock A bye Baby Lullabies for Children

2012-02-04 1,122

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Babies understand soothing feelings and vibrations set off by comforting and peaceful music and respond to them. 'Rock A Bye Baby' brings the richness of gentle and reassuring music that your baby deserves. Soothing music helps decrease stress related hormones, diverts attention from fears, activates natural endorphins (body's own painkillers) and enhances relaxation. The softness and caressing tones of music are harnessed in this album to instill positive vibrations of warmth and love. The captivating cadences of soft music set off here, will envelop mama and baby in a circle of quiet intimacy. 'Rock a Bye Baby' is the key to sound relaxation for your kid.
1. Baby dreaming
2. Baby on the barn
3. Bell rings
4. Bridge
5. Clock
6. Deep sleep
7. Holiday
8. Humpty dumpty
9. Kiss my baby
10. Kisses
11. Milky way
12. Naughty
13. Paradise
14. Ring around roses
15. Sleepy
16. Stream
17. The wizard music
18. Time for bed
19. Waves
20. Weasel