Exotic Pets - African Pixie Frog

2012-02-03 844

Exotic Pets - African Pixie Frog - as part of the series on pets and animals by GeoBeats.

Here I have got an African Pixie Frog. This is a monster of one. We usually sell these as babies and half of the time we do not ever seen them after they get this big. He is probably about 10 inches across. You can keep him in a 30 gallon enclosure. I would keep him at temperatures between 75 and 82 degrees. This guy is eating mice right now, mice and large roaches. As a baby, he will be eating crickets, small roaches, meal worms, but after he is about this big, they are not going to feed the guy anymore.

For a 30 gallon aquarium, I would sub-strata of a mixture of between coconut soft and moss for humidity. Give him a nice big hiding spot and a water bowl that is the size of a water bowl, probably about a 12" across ceramic dish would work great.