Tips for Reducing Closet Clutter

2012-02-03 74

Tips for Reducing Closet Clutter - as part of the home design series by GeoBeats.

One of the easiest ways to create a more organized look in your closet is to have matching hangers. This way this will give a consistent look to your closet and it will look more organized. There is lots of hangers out there with fun options as far as colors are concerned. Add a little pop to your closet, make it more motivating for you to want to go in there. There are also hangers that have material over it so that when you hang your clothes they do not fall off as easily. And they are really slim so that you can save space in your closet.

A great way to create extra space in your closet is to store seasonal items up high. I love these bins from the container store. This allows me to take my items such as my winter gear, gloves, hat and scarves also my seasonal bathing suits and I can store them up high. When I am ready to use them again I just bring them down and I put them into a more valuable real estate area. This tote is from the container store and it works perfectly to hold my sheets and my towels and it allows me to access them up high so I do not have to tie up my valuable real estate. When I need to get them I just simply take the tote down, get what I need and put it back.

If you are like me doing laundry is not at the top of your favorite list. One of the way I like to stay on top of my laundry in case I do not have the time to be able to do the whole putting it back right away is I like to keep a clean and a dirty hamper. So that when the clothes do get clean if I do not have the time or want to take the time to put them back, I can just take those clean clothes, put them into the clean hamper and I can pick away at it when I am in the closet. Say five items every time I am in the closet. Next thing you know all my clean clothes are done.