Chinese Regime Steps Up Police Presence in Xinjiang Region

2012-02-01 161

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Chinese leaders plan to dispatch 8000 extra police to the western region of Xinjiang, in what they say is an effort to insure order.

In the heavily Muslim province that is home to the Uighur ethnic group, the influx of Han Chinese to the area has caused tensions that have led to violence in the past.

In 2009, riots broke out between Han Chinese and Uighurs in the capital city of Urumqi—killing 200 people. Also adding to the tension are hiring practices that favor Han Chinese and laws and regulations that limit the Uighurs' ability to freely practice their faith.

Protests by Uighurs in the region—and in the restive Tibetan region to the south—have been met by shows of overwhelming force, with police and the army firing live ammunition into crowds of protesters and many arrests.

Chinese officials call the plan to step up police presence in Xinjiang, "one officer, one village." It's part the Chinese regime's heavy-handed approach to maintaining control this year when its leadership changes hands in Beijing.

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