How to improve the ordinary Website to Extraordinary look?

2012-02-01 16

Creating a website is a process of designing the web pages using creativity and coding.
Technical part of the website contains html, css, javascript and php coding also scripts such as
Wordpress or Joomla. Creative part involves a perfect combination of images,
color,text and shapes. A proper planning of design concentrating to the main purpose
in terms of a subject of the website involves user friendly text, suitable images,
proper arrangement of layouts,unique designs and fast loading.
Very important thing to keep in mind before designing home page is easy to view, appealing
to eyes and professional look of the website. Next one is the loading speed, to increase the
speed avoid heavy graphics and special effects that take time to load the page. Home page is the first impression of a website,it can attract the customers and also if display is bad then it may lose the impression of the customers without using the services.That is why the first impression is always the best