Nagging in marriage a leading cause of divorce

2012-01-30 169 A Wall Street Journal article claims nagging is a leading cause of divorce, and could be just as damaging to a marriage as adultery. Research conducted by University of Denver professor and Center for Marital and Family Studies co-director Howard Markman suggests that couples who engage in constant nagging often fight about the nagging itself and don't work to resolve the underlying issue. Negative communication patterns account for 20% of wedded couples' overall dissatisfaction in their first five years of marriage. The article goes on to place much of the blame on women, as they tend to feel a greater responsibility to see that things get done around the house. However, men aren't totally innocent. They sometimes tune out, or fail to respond out of fear they don't have a suitable answer to a request. Still, some feel the article is a bit harsh on the fairer sex, even though the writer, Elizabeth Bernstein, is a woman. Writing for iVillage, Jill Provost acknowledges that women might want to dominate the household, and that may lead to nagging, but "it also means husbands get their lunches made, or dinner served or laundry folded." 

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