Mexico tackles obesity

2012-01-28 25

Mexico is launching another war...this time against obesity.
Fast catching up with its neighbour the U.S., Mexico is ranked second in the world in having the most number of obese. Thirty-seven million people is the current estimate.
Mexico City's health officials fear a ticking time bomb.
To address obesity, they recently opened a clinic dedicated to treating overweight patients.
The clinic provides advice, free medical treatments and operations at a fraction of the cost in private hospitals.
After all, obesity affects millions of the capital's poorest citizens.
There is already a long waiting list of patients. Some of them, like Claudia Rodriguez, just want to learn how to eat healthy.
"I will feel better because I won't be so tired and I'm going to get the clothes I like. Also, I will learn to eat better. They will change my life and I will be more accepted in society."
Doctor Franciso Campos says surgery is not the total solution. A lifestyle change is required.
"These programmes promote education, it promotes, from a social point of view, doing exercise, having good habits, walking and using cars less etcetera etcetera."
The hospital already boasts of success stories.
"I have lost 46 kilos (101 pounds) up to now and I feel good... It's very different, it gives you security, vitality, to feel not necessarily younger but full of life."
In efforts to break the obesity cycle-- officials have banned junk food from school canteens, and placed a tax on soft drinks.
Tens of thousands die of chronic health problems each year in Mexico.
Michaela Cabrera, Reuters.

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