CRASH+SUES, the award-winning Minneapolis-based editorial/FX/multi-media company was called upon by mono, a forward-thinking branding agency also headquartered in the Twin Cities, to bring its fresh aesthetic to the editing, color correction + FX for SoundAffects, Parsons The New School for Design’s multi-platform exploration of the relationship between music, design + technology. The physical installation, online experiment and media content are driven by Parsons’ mission to raise people’s awareness of design’s relevance and impact on their lives.
The experiment began with the installation of an interactive wall on NYC's Fifth Avenue. CRASH+SUES collaborated with mono on the crafting of visually captivating media content that breaks down the complex premise. CRASH+SUES' Carrie Shanahan edited the piece, marrying footage of the installation wall with images of cityscapes, traffic and people moving to the pulse of lights stopping to put on headphones and plug into the wall.