Assad continues crackdown on civilians

2012-01-27 6

Heavy gun fire was reported in Hit a village near the Lebanese border and Rastan located north of Homs where Syrian security forces were deployed. Local residents said the crackdown was in response to reports that a number of Syrian soldiers had defected from the army. The latest developments on Monday came amid reports that Nabil al-Arabi the secretary-general of the Arab League announced plans to visit Damascus in an effort to solve the crisis there Meanwhile authorities in Syria have imposed changes on the country's media law imposing restrictions on published material and holding editors and journalistsaccountable for violations. Media outlets will be barred from publishing newsrelated to the country's security forces or content that affects "nationalunity and national security." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it had received reports of violations against civilians committed by the security forces including holding some hostage, destroying homes and threatening family members of wanted fugitives.The site also said doctors suspected of treating anti-government protesters had been arrested and many pharmacies shut down to prevent them assisting injured protesters.