Baseball Softball Hitting- Have a Plan- Chad Moeller

2012-01-26 20

My rookie year I’m playing for the Minnesota Twins and we’re facing the great New York Yankees. Yes the great New York Yankees. I’m facing Andy Pettitte and I’m nervous. For me to have any chance to succeed, I need to be confident, I need to be focused and I need to have a plan.

So in today’s lesson we’re going to talk about what happens before we get in this box. Too often, at bats are won of lost before you even step in the box. If you’re not clear what you’re looking for, If you’re swinging at his pitches. We need to be clear about what we want to do. So let’s formulate a plan. First off, you need to know yourself. What do you do well? Do you like the fastball? Do you like off speed pitches? I didn’t. I liked the fastball.
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