Canadian FM Criticizes China's Human Rights Record

2012-01-26 11

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Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird criticized the Chinese regime for its (quote) "abhorrent" treatment towards religious groups in a speech he gave in London on Monday.

He said he would speak out against what he saw as violations of religious freedom.

(quote) "In China, we see Roman Catholic priests, Christian clergy and their laity, worshipping outside of state-sanctioned boundaries, who are continually subject to raids, arrests, and detention...we see Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, and Uyghur Muslims face harassment, and physical intimidation. These abhorrent acts fly in the face of our core principals, our core values."

Baird made the comment ahead of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's planned trip to China in just two weeks. The Chinese regime has recently launched a crackdown on dissidents ahead of its upcoming leadership transition in the fall of this year.

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