Abbas: Hamas agreed to renounce terror

2012-01-26 6

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that Fatah and Hamas agreed that future Palestinian resistance to Israel will utilize popular and peaceful means, rather than military moves. Abbas recounted his meeting with Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal about a month ago. "We set the agreement's pillars, and Hamas agreed with us that resistance will be popular and adopt peaceful ways, rather than military resistance,". The surprising statements were made a day before another meeting is slated to be held in Cairo where the two Palestinian movements will be discussing the implementation of their reconciliation agreement. Notably, Abbas' declaration contradicts various statements issued by Hamas this week on the occasion of its 24th anniversary. In one case, the group said that "resistance will continue in all its forms, as the movement's favored way until victory, the liberation of Palestine and the return of refugees."