Rockets fired despite truce

2012-01-25 12

The Popular Resistance Committee in Gaza doesn't recognize a Hamas-declared cease-fire with Israel but will temporarily abide by it, a spokesman said. At least twelve rockets were fired at southern Israel after Hamas announced the cease-fire. The Iron Dome missile defense system succeeded in intercepting some of the rockets, others exploded causing damage but no injuries. Israel has denied it is a partner to any cease-fire agreement. "We do not sign agreements with Hamas, not directly or indirectly, "an official in the prime minister's office said Monday. "Israel is following the implementation of the cease-fire. If they continue shooting we will respond accordingly," he said. After intensive talks with the different Palestinian groups in Gaza, Egyptian authorities informed Hamas leaders that a cease-fire agreement would go into effect. Many Hamas leaders have reportedly gone into hiding, fearing they would be targeted by Israel 

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