Netanyahu forms task force to deal with protesters' demands

2012-01-25 6

Hours after some 300,000 Israelis took to the streets demanding social justice Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu formed a task force to deal with the demands. Netanyahu announced at Sunday's cabinet meeting the formingof a committee made up of 15 ministers who would examine the protester's demands. The committee will be headed by chairman of the National Economic Council Professor Manuel Trachtenberg. The committee will submit its proposals for social economic changes to the government next month. Some of the issues the committee is expected to tackle include lowering the cost of living, steps required to break up cartels and monopolies in the economy, lowering taxes and removing bureaucracy in house construction. Netanyahu's announcement came after Israel witnessed one of the largest nationwide protests in its history on Saturday night when hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other major Israeli towns and cities. 

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