Fogel family killer convicted

2012-01-25 44

The Samaria military court convicted Hakim Awad for the murders of five members of the Fogel family in their Itamar home five months ago. Ehud and Ruth Fogel and their children Yoav aged 11, Elad aged 4 and Hadass aged 3 months were brutally stabbed to death on the night of March 11. Awad was also convicted in a series of weapons-related and security offences. The trial of second defendant Amjad Awad is still ongoing separately as the two are testifying against each other. The judges decided to examine some of the prosecution's evidence, primarily forensic evidence such as as finger prints and DNA, before announcing the conviction, in order to verify that the confession matches the findings. The court will discuss sentencing arguments in September and will hear testimonies from the Fogel family.