Egypt gas pipeline to Israel blown up for third time

2012-01-25 17 - Israel News - An unidentified terrorist cell blew up the gas pipeline leading from Egypt to Israel and Jordan Monday, forcing a shutdown in the flow of natural gas for the third time since February. The explosion took place in the early morning at a station along the pipeline in the northern Sinai Peninsula at Bir Abd, 60 kilometers east of the Suez Canal, National Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau said the suspension of gas deliveries would not affect the economy right away. A security source said men with machine guns in a small truck forced guards at the pipeline station to leave, then planted explosive charges. The pipeline is run by Gasco, Egypt's gas transport company -- a subsidiary of the national gas company EGAS. No one claimed responsibility for Monday's blast. Disgruntled Beduin in the area have been blamed for attacking the pipeline in the past, as have Islamist extremists opposed to Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel.