Yom Kippur air is cleaner

2012-01-25 9

From the onset of the Yom Kippur, the amount of nitrous oxides in the atmosphere dropped significantly in Israel's main population centers. The office for protecting the environment measured the quality of the air on Yom Kippur and found, unsurprisingly that in all measuring stations a better quality of air was found. The biggest differences were found in the heavily populated Jerusalem and Gush Dan areas.For instance, nitrous oxides on Yom Kippur in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area ranged between one to eight parts per billion versus 84 parts per billion as was measured the morning before the holiday. A significant improvement in air quality was registered at the monitoring station in the center of Jerusalem, where nitrous oxide measurements soared to 114 parts per billion at 2 pm before the holiday started and plummeted to one to eight parts per billion during the holiday.