WEF - Protesters Ready Igloos to Occupy Davos

2012-01-24 983

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Occupy Davos activists put the finishing touches to their "Igloo Camp." Their goal is try to disrupt the annual gathering of the rich and powerful in Switzerland.

The Occupy movement, which went global after protests against Wall Street last year, is camping in igloos to bring its argument with the super-rich "1 percent" to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

It is a reminder to the leaders of finance and industry at the WEF of the resentment that is leading to questions about the future direction of capitalism.

The group has set up camp to "occupy" the WEF in a car park just outside the security cordon around the meeting.

Activists say the camp, which includes six igloos plus two heated tepees and a field kitchen, can house about 50 people.

[Ed Sutton, Occupy Protester]:
"...There's seven billion people on the planet who don't have any kind of a say in what they are doing. And we just find that its personification of the fact that free market capitalism and democracy don't really fit together and that's the fundamental thrust of the occupy movement in general."

The Igloo Camp organizer says he's in contact with WEF organizers to promote dialogue with delegates at the meeting but that the activists also plan to try and disrupt the meeting.

[David Roth, Igloo Camp Organizer]:
"Yeah of course we're not just here to make a Disney Land which looks nice for the media we're also here to probably disturb a little bit this WEF as much as possible. We have four thousand policemen, four thousand soldiers here so its not so easy but we're gonna try."

Few of the 2,000 visitors are likely to see the camp by the train station, as many arrive by private jet or helicopter from Zurich.